The Top 7 HubSpot CMS Hub Features Marketers Are Raving About

HubSpot's CMS Hub is revolutionary for marketers.

First, they bring us a powerful (and free) CRM. Then, they add to "Hubs" for marketing, sales, and service.

But now… well, now they've outdone themselves.

CMS Hub is a premier content management system for HubSpot users. And, while that sounds great, its actual value is considerably higher.

Imagine if a marketer from your team could take a landing page from conception to launch, complete with copy, design elements, forms, and any of the nit-picky tasks you'd usually pass to the dev team.

What could your developers do with that time back? What could your marketers do with those capabilities?

HubSpot's CMS Hub is one of the best resources for a business, but if you want to really see what it's capable of, we've compiled a list of the most talked-about tools on the platform.

7 Powerful HubSpot CMS Hub Features for High-Converting Websites

The greatest thing about the HubSpot CMS Hub is that marketers don’t have to spend all their cognitive and business resources trying to make their CRM, Marketing tools, and CMS all talk to one another.

When you use Hubspot’s CRM, Marketing, and CMS Hubs together, you gain the freedom to:

  • Have leads automatically added to your CRM when they fill out forms on your website.
  • Create and publish new landing pages, website pages, and blog articles within minutes — without the need for a developer.
  • Personalize the experience for each user who interacts with your website.
  • Ensure your content gets found by your customers
  • And much more...

Marketers and Developers both agree — HubSpot CMS Hub is easy to use and gives them the freedom to do their jobs in a way they never could before.

“As a marketer, it’s given me the freedom to create as many campaigns as I need as quickly as I need them.” - Gretchen Elliot

“The CMS as a standalone product is way better than any other CMS I’ve developed on.” - John Fuller

1. Drag and Drop Builder

In the past, HubSpot CMS was clunky, convoluted, and confusing to use. Marketers had to mess with code (which they hated), and developers were forced to see an in-app view vs. just a page with code (which they preferred).

With HubSpot CMS Hub, marketers can make changes using the new drag-and-drop interface without having to touch a single line of code.

Simply click on a section, column, row, or module and drag it to where you want it to go on the page, as shown below.


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When you’re done building, you can schedule your landing pages and blog articles to publish in advance to save yourself some time publishing new content.

You can plan and create your content in advance, and then let HubSpot CMS Hub do the heavy lifting to ensure it’s published on a consistent schedule.

“As the marketer or content person, I only have to make changes in one place, and then I know it’s going to be updated everywhere it’s pulling from on the website.” - Gretchen Elliot

2. Design Tools

Waiting weeks or months for a developer to change the colors on your website, or add an image here and there, is frustrating.

You needed to start that new campaign yesterday, but you’re forced to wait because you can’t make the necessary changes yourself.

Meanwhile, your developers are overwhelmed with an abundance of small tasks that pull their attention away from bigger and more critical projects.

Thanks to HubSpot CMS Hub, those days are in the past.

You can easily change the background, colors, alignment, margins, and padding by yourself — no developer needed. Your developers can focus on bigger things while your marketers keep moving forward with day-to-day growth.cms-hub-features

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3. Smart Content

Smart Content leverages the power of AI to allow you to provide contextual and personalized experiences that improve conversions.

For example, it’s common knowledge that shorter forms have higher conversions on mobile devices.

With HubSpot Smart Content, you can show shorter forms to website visitors viewing your site on their smartphones and tablets.cms-hub-features

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Thanks to HubSpot, you now have the power to tailor each piece of content for the customer avatars you serve — no code or manual integration required.

Personalize text, forms, CTAs, and even HTML with ease and start closing more qualified leads.

4. HubSpot Marketplace

The HubSpot Marketplace features hundreds of third-party apps that HubSpot users can integrate with their HubSpot Accounts.

Connect your tools, teams, processes, and data in one place instead of having it scattered across numerous locations you never have time to check.

Some of the integrations you might already be using, but should consider checking out if you haven’t yet, are:

  • Google Search Console
  • Seventh Sense
  • Survey Monkey
  • Zoom
  • Shopify
  • Databox
  • Lucky Orange
  • And many more

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5. Dashboard

Every CMS includes an admin dashboard. But, let’s be honest here — some of them aren’t so great.

The worst ones aren’t intuitive and can be a hassle to use. The information you need isn’t easily accessible, and you might not have the ability to customize your view.

With HubSpot CMS Hub, you can create multimedia blog posts and landing pages right in the dashboard, as well as manage, optimize, and track their performance.

Save time by integrating CMS Hub with the Marketing and CRM hub. Schedule automated follow-up emails to contacts who’ve filled out a form, analyze website traffic reports, manage ads, and even upload URL redirects in bulk.


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6. SEO Tools

What’s the point of creating all this amazingly good content if no one ever reads it — right?

Ensuring your content is read, and read by the right people (your ideal customers) is simple to pull off with HubSpot’s built-in SEO features.

The most significant factors Google uses to rank websites are the site’s authority and how well it’s optimized for SEO.


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Improving discovery is vital and can be achieved by creating lots of high-quality content centered around the topics you want to be known for.

For example, a business consultant might want to be known for topics such as management training, coaching, or strategic planning.

As you write blog articles on those topics, HubSpot gives you on-page SEO recommendations. Simply follow the instructions, and you can rest easy knowing your website is always optimized for the best results.


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7. Content Staging

Making changes to a live website can go bad. And if it does, you don’t want visitors to land on a broken webpage, or worse — the dreaded 404 page.

With content staging, you can make all the changes you want to a staging website that allows you to preview and test the changes before rolling them out on your website.

This is an excellent feature to have when it comes to launching new products and services or overhauling your entire website.

Not all CMS platforms have content staging capabilities, so this is something you should keep in mind when shopping for a CMS. This is one of the reasons why marketers love HubSpot CMS Hub so much.


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Making the Most of the HubSpot CMS Hub

The HubSpot CMS Hub is an excellent tool that gives your business everything you need to scale and grow— but it’s expensive.

The two versions of CMS Hub available are Professional and Enterprise. Professional starts at $240/month when billed yearly, and Enterprise begins at $900/month.

But wait! Don’t let the price scare you.

Lean Labs is a Platinum HubSpot Partner, which means we can help you get up to 60% off on your first year of HubSpot. And, if you’re a qualified startup, we can increase that discount to 90% off.

Click here to find out if you qualify for the discounts for HubSpot now.

“If I didn’t have Lean Labs, I would need a full-time team of 20 people to do what they do for us. There are so many things that I am proud of working on with Lean Labs.” - Ashleigh Harris, Chief Marketing Officer for RocketSpace

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