How To Increase SEO of My Website: 8 Key Tips and Tools

Google’s ever-changing search algorithms got you down? You’re not alone.

If you’ve been cranking out content, targeting all the best, high-volume keywords, and tweaking your site copy ad nauseam and still not seeing the results you want, you might be considering giving up on SEO altogether.

But wait!

You can still increase the SEO of your website… you just need the right tips and tricks.

This post covers eight key tips and tools you can use to increase the SEO of your website and boost your traffic, conversions, and leads. 

AI and Machine Learning

The first trend every marketer should know today is AI and machine learning. Keyword stuffing has been a dead tactic for a long time, but Google is even more intelligent and harder to pass these days. Algorithms like RankBrain and BERT are changing the game, focusing their ranking protocols on context and user intent rather than just keywords. 

But here's the kicker—it's not just about Google's AI. We're seeing a rise in AI-powered content creation tools that are shaking up SEO strategies. Good marketers know that AI-generated content isn’t strong enough to stand on its own, but that doesn’t mean some brands aren’t just churning out tons of AI-written posts. There is more competition in content volume than ever, and understanding your audience to create high-value content that deserves to rank has never been more crucial.

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Mobile Responsiveness

If your website isn't mobile-friendly, you're in a world of hurt. Google has gone all-in on mobile-first indexing, which means they're primarily using the mobile version of your site for ranking and indexing. Mobile page speed and user experience are not just nice-to-haves anymore — they're critical ranking factors.

Responsive design isn’t optional anymore; it’s essential. If your site isn't delivering a seamless experience on mobile devices, you will likely lose out on rankings and potential customers.

Voice Search Optimization

"Hey Siri, how do I improve my SEO?" You're missing out on a major opportunity if you're not optimizing for voice search. With voice assistants becoming as common as smartphones, search query patterns are changing. People use more conversational, long-tail keywords when speaking rather than typing.

This shift means featured snippets and "position zero" are more crucial than ever. If you want to be the voice assistant's go-to answer, you must focus on creating clear, concise content that directly answers common questions in your niche. 

Core Web Vitals and Page Experience Signals

Google's Core Web Vitals have become key ranking factors, highlighting the technical side of SEO. These metrics focus on the loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability of your pages. In other words, it's not just about what's on your page but how well it performs.

This trend means that you must prioritize technical optimization while creating great content. A beautifully written article won't do you much good if it takes ages to load or if buttons move around while the page loads.


Last but not least, let's talk about E-E-A-T: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Google is placing higher importance on content credibility and author expertise. Building brand authority and establishing thought leadership are key SEO strategies.

It's not just about what you say, but who's saying it and why they should be trusted. Demonstrating trustworthiness through reviews, showcasing credentials, and providing accurate, well-researched information is vital. Remember, Google's ultimate goal is to provide users with the best, most reliable information possible. 

Related Read: How Long Does It Take To Rank In Google? (How To Get The Snowball Effect)

SEO, in its current state, is a complex mix of technical optimization, quality content creation, and authority building. It's not just about driving more leads into the system but about driving the right leads through the system. 

With this in mind, let’s explore our tips and tricks for increasing SEO on your website. Then, we’ll offer three cutting-edge tools you can use to level up your site. 


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1. Use The Right Keywords Wisely 

Keywords are the foundation of effective SEO, but as we said earlier, keyword stuffing is far from the name of the game. If you want your keywords to help you rank, using them strategically is crucial. Here's how to optimize your keyword usage for maximum impact:

  • Embrace long-tailed and question keywords. These specific phrases are often less competitive and more likely to attract your target audience. 
  • Conduct thorough keyword research to understand what your audience is searching for. Utilize SEO tools to uncover the phrases and questions your potential customers are typing into search engines. 
  • Focus on user intent and search context. It's not just about what people are searching for, but why they're searching. Understanding whether someone is looking to purchase, conduct research, or find a solution to a problem helps you tailor your content to meet their specific needs.
  • When incorporating keywords into your content, do so naturally. Your writing should flow smoothly and engage the reader rather than appearing forced or repetitive. The goal is to create valuable, readable content that satisfies search engine algorithms.
  • Lastly, diversify your keyword usage with variations and synonyms. This approach helps you capture a broader range of search queries while maintaining the focus of your content.

Effective keyword usage is about quality and relevance, not just quantity. By implementing these strategies, you can create content that resonates with your audience and search engines, improving your visibility and engagement rates. 

Related Read: SEO for B2B SaaS Startups: Best Practices and Worst Pitfalls

2. Use Alt Text and Meta Descriptions 

Alt text and meta descriptions are often overlooked elements of SEO, but they’re critical to boosting your visibility and click-through rates. Not sure how to optimize these elements? Let’s take a closer look:

  • Write descriptive and keyword-rich alt text for images. This helps search engines understand the content of your images and improves accessibility for users with visual impairments. 
  • Stick within character limits. You have approximately 155-160 characters to summarize your content and entice users to click. Make every word count!
  • Include primary keywords in meta descriptions. Your meta description should read naturally while incorporating key phrases matching user search intent. 
  • Ensure each page has a unique meta description. Avoid the temptation to use generic or duplicate descriptions across your site. Each page serves a distinct purpose, and its meta description should reflect that.
  • Use action-oriented language in meta descriptions to encourage clicks. For example, "Discover how to...", "Learn the secrets of...", or "Explore our range of..." 

Optimizing your alt text and meta descriptions helps with SEO and improves your site's user experience. Invest time in crafting these components thoughtfully, and you'll likely see improvements in both your search engine rankings and click-through rates.

3. Delete “Zombie” Pages 

Maintaining a lean, efficient website is crucial for optimal SEO performance. "Zombie" pages — pages that are outdated, low-traffic, or no longer relevant — can hurt your site's overall effectiveness. Here's how to fix your Zombie page problem:

  • Identify low-traffic and outdated pages through a comprehensive content audit. Use site analytics tools to pinpoint pages that are struggling. Look for content that hasn't been updated in years, receives minimal traffic, or no longer aligns with your business objectives.
  • When removing pages, implement proper redirects to maintain user experience and preserve SEO value. Use 301 redirects to guide visitors and search engines to the most relevant, active content on your site. 
  • Consider consolidating similar content into stronger, more comprehensive pages. This approach can improve the overall quality and relevance of your content, boost search engine rankings, and make navigation easier for users. 
  • Regularly audit your site for unnecessary pages. Site audits aren’t a “set it and forget it” kind of solution. Review your content quarterly and remove or update pages as needed. 
  • Update your sitemap. Once you’ve removed the Zombie pages, update your info and submit your updated sitemap through Google Search Console to expedite the re-indexing process.

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By consistently managing your content and eliminating those outdated, useless pages, you can boost your SEO performance and improve user experience on your site. If you’re worried about the consequences of deleting those old pages, just remember that quality wins over quantity regarding content. 

4. Consider Updating Old Content

On the subject of old content, you don’t have to cut and delete everything wholesale — you can also update your content over time so it stays relevant. But how can you approach content updates without getting stuck in the weeds?

  • Begin by refreshing outdated statistics and information. Look at posts over a year old and closely examine any data or stats to ensure you have the most up-to-date information. 
  • To expand the scope and depth of existing content, add new, relevant sections. This could involve addressing new developments in your field, answering additional questions, or incorporating new case studies or examples. 
  • Regularly review and update both internal and external links within your content. Broken links can negatively impact user experience and SEO performance. Ensure that all links are functional and lead to relevant, high-quality sources. 
  • Format old posts to align with current best practices. This might involve breaking up long paragraphs, adding subheadings for better structure, or incorporating visual elements like images or infographics.

When you update old content, you add new value to your existing assets. This practice helps boost your search engine ranking and keeps your content fresh and valuable for your audience.

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5. Develop an Internal Linking Strategy 

An effective internal linking strategy is crucial for any SEO play. Internal links help search engines understand your site structure and content relationships. They also help guide users through your content and, when used well, can lower your exit rates on key pages and posts. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how:

  • Link-related content to build topic clusters. This approach involves creating a central "pillar" page that provides a comprehensive overview of a broad topic, with links to more specific, related content. 
  • Use descriptive anchor text for internal links. Rather than generic phrases like "click here," opt for anchor text that clearly describes the linked content. This practice provides context for both users and search engines, improving navigation and helping search algorithms understand the relationship between different pages on your site.
  • Balance link distribution across your site. While it's natural for some pages to have more links than others, aim for a distribution that reflects the relative importance of each page. Avoid creating "orphan" pages with no internal links pointing to them, as these can be difficult for users and search engines to discover.
  • Regularly audit and update your internal links. Ensure that your internal linking structure remains current as your site grows and evolves. Remove or update links to deleted pages, and look for opportunities to link to newer content. 

A solid internal linking strategy makes your site more cohesive and easier to navigate. The result? Better SEO performance and happier users who can easily find the info they need. 

6. Earn High-Quality Backlinks 

Many things have changed in the SEO game, but high-quality backlinks are still critical to any SEO strategy today. These external links serve as endorsements of your content's value and authority. Here's how to develop a robust backlink profile:

  • Create linkable, high-value content. This involves producing comprehensive, original research, insightful industry analyses, or unique resources that others in your field want to reference. Focus on creating content that fills gaps in existing knowledge or provides a fresh perspective on essential topics in your niche.
  • Engage in digital PR and outreach. Develop relationships with journalists, industry influencers, and relevant publications. Share your most valuable content with them, highlighting how it might benefit their audience. 
  • Participate actively in industry forums and discussions. Contribute meaningfully to conversations, offer helpful advice, and share insights. While not all of these interactions will result in immediate backlinks, they help build your reputation and can lead to links down the road. 
  • Consider guest posting on reputable sites within your niche. This strategy allows you to reach new audiences while earning valuable backlinks. Focus on creating high-quality, original content for these guest posts that aligns with the host site's standards and provides genuine value to their readers.
  • Monitor your backlink profile and disavow toxic links. While earning links is essential, not all links are created equally. Use tools to identify and disavow links from low-quality or spammy sites that could potentially harm your SEO efforts. 

Related Read: How To Increase Organic Traffic Without Backlinks Or Buying Ads

Remember, earning high-quality backlinks is a long-term process that requires patience and consistent effort. Focus on creating valuable content and building genuine relationships within your industry. Here, patience is vital and will pay off in the long run. 

7. Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly 

Mobile-friendliness isn’t just a recommendation anymore — it’s critical. The majority of today’s web traffic comes from mobile devices, so if you want your site to pop, you need to optimize it for mobile users. How can you achieve that? Let’s take a look: 

  • Implement responsive design. Your website should automatically adjust its layout and content presentation based on the device being used, providing an optimal viewing experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Optimize page load speed for mobile devices. Mobile users often access sites on the go and may have slower internet connections. Compress images, leverage browser caching, and minimize code to reduce load times. 
  • Use larger font sizes and button elements to accommodate touch screens. Mobile users navigate with their fingers, not mouse cursors. Ensure that text is easily readable without zooming and that interactive elements like buttons and links are large enough to be tapped accurately. 
  • Regularly test your site across various mobile devices and operating systems. User experience can vary significantly between different smartphones and tablets. Conduct thorough testing to ensure your site functions properly and looks good on a wide range of devices, including both iOS and Android platforms.

A well-optimized mobile site can lead to higher engagement rates, lower bounce rates, and better search engine rankings. As mobile usage grows, prioritizing mobile optimization will be key to maintaining and improving your site's SEO performance.

8. Use the Right Tools 

Effective SEO requires strategy and the right set of tools to implement and measure your efforts. Here are three essential tools that can significantly enhance your SEO capabilities:


The first tool every marketer should know when increasing SEO on their website is SEMrush. This comprehensive SEO toolkit offers a wide range of features to boost your search engine optimization efforts. You can use SEMrush for these top features:

  • Comprehensive keyword research capabilities allow you to identify valuable search terms and understand their competitiveness and search volume.
  • Competitor analysis and benchmarking tools provide insights into your rivals' strategies, helping you identify opportunities and gaps in your own approach.
  • Site audit features help identify technical SEO issues hindering your site's search results performance.
  • Content optimization suggestions guide you in refining your content to better match user intent and search engine preferences.
  • Backlink analysis and monitoring tools enable tracking your link profile and identifying potential link-building opportunities.

Google Search Console 

As a free tool provided by Google, Search Console offers direct insights into how your site performs in Google's search results. Some of the key features you need to understand and use with Google Search Console are:

  • Get direct insights from Google on your site's performance in search results, including click-through rates and average position.
  • Identify indexing issues and crawl errors that may prevent your pages from appearing in search results.
  • Access search query data showing how users find your site, helping you understand which keywords drive traffic.
  • Utilize mobile usability reports to ensure your site provides a good experience for mobile users.
  • Monitor Core Web Vitals for page experience optimization, a critical factor in Google's ranking algorithm.

The 4 Pillars of a Winning Website Training 

Finally, you can use our free training, the 4 Pillars of a Winning Website, to optimize your site for users and search engines alike. Our free training resource goes beyond traditional SEO tools to provide a holistic approach to website optimization. Let’s explore some of the top benefits and topics included:

  • As a free training resource, it offers valuable insights without the need for financial investment.
  • The training covers more than just SEO, addressing the broader aspects of creating an effective online presence.
  • Our training walks through the strategy and structure businesses need to create websites positioned to rank well on Google and convert visitors into leads, addressing the ultimate goal of driving business growth.

By effectively leveraging these tools, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your site's SEO performance, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies that drive real results. 

How To Increase SEO of My Website: Next Steps 

You've now got a toolbox full of SEO tricks and tools that will make Google sit up and take notice of your site. With these tips and tools in your arsenal, your site should be ready to climb those search engine rankings like a pro mountain climber tackling Everest.

But getting to the top of the search results is just the first step on your journey to digital dominance. You’re positioning yourself for success, but you need more than a page-one ranking if you want to see real growth. 

If you want to win in this digital game, you need a site that not only ranks but draws visitors in like a magnet, guiding them through your sales funnel. 

Our Growth Playbook is the secret sauce you've been looking for. It's packed with strategies and tactics to turn your website into a lead-generating, sales-converting powerhouse. And the best part? It's free. That's right — free — it doesn't cost a dime, won't hurt your wallet, zero dollars and zero cents.

Download the Growth Playbook today and start turning those rankings into results. 

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