HubSpot Alternatives: Which Tool is the Best Fit For Your Business?

There are a lot of great alternatives to HubSpot.

In this article, we'll show you some of our preferred alternatives. Now, I have to admit, HubSpot is our favorite at Lean Labs. Beyond all the technical advantages, HubSpot lets us spend our time working on marketing, rather than maintaining marketing tools. That time advantage alone is worth the price tag in our mind.

But, HubSpot isn't for everyone.

The software and marketing automation tools that best fit your organization depend on your goals, team size, and amount of time you have to invest in a platform. In this article, we list our favorite HubSpot alternatives, and their pros and cons, so you can get a better idea which software is the best fit for your business.

The Best HubSpot Alternatives

(Sorted By Maximum Price, Lowest First)


A lot of companies use the open-source software to build their blog or website, but occasionally, try to expand that use. Hundreds of WordPress plug-ins can help bridge gaps, enabling teams to implement forms, pop-ups, and email lists.

  • Pros: Highly Customizable, Great CMS, Customer Support, Large User Community
  • Cons: Limited Templates, Buggy Plugins, Plugins Need Constant Updates, No Additional Marketing Automation Features
  • Pricing: Free (Plus Hosting Fees)
  • Best Fit: Solopreneurs, Small Businesses

It's crucial to note that WordPress is not a marketing automation solution or even a substitute for one. Learn more by reading HubSpot vs. WordPress.


Wishpond is a minimal automation platform, “a platform built for growth.” Offering what they refer to as "do it yourself" and "done for you" setups, Wishpond has the functionality to create landing pages, pop-ups, run automated email marketing campaigns, build forms, and so forth.

Primarily used by beginner marketers, the platform also has additional social marketing capabilities, such as the ability to run contests and promotions.

  • Pros: User-Friendly, Pre-Made Templates, Great Pop-ups, Track Lead Activity
  • Cons: Buggy, Tracking Doesn’t Always Work, Complicated Data, Labor Intensive, Poor Customer Support
  • Pricing: $49-$199
  • Best Fit: Small Businesses

For beginners looking to test out email or contests, Wishpond is an easy, affordable choice.


ActiveCampaign is a platform focused on marketing automation, sales automation, and email marketing. The company refers to the software as “powerful and easy-to-use,” and leverages lead behavioral data to send more relevant messaging.

  • Pros: Learning Curve, Sales CRM, Multiple Integrations, Intuitive, CRM, Analytics, Easy To Learn
  • Cons: Integrations Buggy or Limited, Email Design Tricky, CRM Not Robust
  • Price: $9-$229
  • Best Fit: Solopreneurs, Small Businesses

ActiveCampaign is a good jumping off point for small businesses, with a low upfront investment. However, you'll also need to invest in a platform like Hootsuite since it doesn't have social media publishing.


Hatchbuck is a marketing automation service built for small business owners. Affordable and multi-featured, the platform has a great marketing and CRM integration. Customers first starting out with marketing like how inexpensive the platform is, but find the interface to be outdated and confusing, and experience limitations with design and customization.

  • Pros: Great Customer Service, Advanced Filtering, CRM, Email Marketing, No Onboarding Fee, Affordable
  • Cons: Limited Reporting, Too Hands On, Outdated UX
  • Pricing: $99 - $399
  • Best Fit: Small, B2C Business Owners

For companies without design heavy assets and some experience with automation platforms, Hatchbuck could be a good option.


Infusionsoft is an established marketing and sales platform that focuses on automation and integration for small businesses and e-commerce companies. The software has always had a marketing automation system with an advanced CRM and offers 200+ integrations.

  • Pros: Great For E-Commerce, Frequent Updates, Predictive analytics, Shopping Cart + Order Forms
  • Cons: Not Mobile Friendly, Reported Glitches, Limited Automation Builder
  • Price: $199-$599 per month
  • Best Fit: Small Businesses, e-Commerce

Customers have cautioned others about how long it can take to learn, making this a better option for more advanced marketers in E-Commerce.


SharpSpring differentiates by offering similar marketing automation services as some bigger players, but at a much more affordable price. Favorably reviewed by it's smaller user base, customers love the strong lead scoring capabilities and VisitorID tool, which gives contact information for anonymous page visitors.

  • Pros: User-Friendly, Intuitive Platform, Tons of Features, Simple + Easy To Use
  • Cons: Requires Manual Data Entry, Limited Automation Flows,
  • Pricing: $400-$800 (Or Custom Pricing)
  • Best Fit: Small-to-Medium Business, B2C or B2B

For companies without a lot of experience in marketing automation, with smaller budgets, SharpSpring is a contender as it's still maturing.


SalesFusion focuses on providing the best marketing technology for brands to utilize. The platform has intuitive automation tools with robust campaign creation and analytics. Differentiators include additional campaign execution support from the Salesfusion experts and reporting services.

While customers seem to dig the superb customer support and integrations, some G2Crowd reviewers, called them out for having outdated features, such as the landing page builder.

  • Pros: Additional Customer Support, Integration with Sugar, Great Webinars + Training, Reporting, Solid On-Boarding, Frequent Updates
  • Cons: Outdated Features, Not Mobile Friendly, HTML / CSS Experience Needed
  • Price: $950+ per month
  • Best Fit: Small-to-Medium Companies

For companies that need additional support, or don't have time to allocate to reporting and execution, SalesFusion is one of the stronger HubSpot competitors.


Act-On has a variety of features for beginner marketers to utilize. Similar to HubSpot, it’s a multi-functional software marketers can use to execute lead scoring, email marketing, social media publishing, and inbound initiatives, and can be integrated with a CRM.

  • Pros: Automated Program Features, Mobile Responsive Pages, Customer Support, Great Design Tools, Inbound Tools
  • Cons: Buggy Integrations, Email Issues, Social Media Tools Lacking, Learning Curve
  • Price: $600-$2,000 per month
  • Best Fit: Small-to-Medium Businesses

For customers needing consistently accurate data, Act-On may not be the best choice. The Salesforce sync only refreshes about every 4 hours, making it one of the lesser HubSpot competitors.


Designed for B2B companies, Pardot helps marketers improve engagement and lead management. A part of Salesforce, the software provides tools to help get more prospects and leads, as well as nurture and guide, leads through every stage of the buyer’s journey.

Customers like leveraging the tight integration with Salesforce, and how easy it is to connect prospect and opportunity data.

  • Pros: New Features Released Often, WYSIWYG email building, Accommodates Complex Sales Cycles
  • Cons: No Built-In CMS, Charges For Tier Storage, Salesforce Engage Extra, HTML + CSS Knowledge Needed
  • Price: $1,000-$3,000 per month
  • Best Fit: Larger B2B Companies

For companies already using and relying on Salesforce, Pardot is a great option and a solid HubSpot alternative.


Marketo is a robust software tailored towards B2B enterprise level companies. With some similar features to HubSpot, the advanced marketing automation platform is great for brands looking to increase and improve engagement with their leads.

The extremely active user community, Marketo Nation, frequently discuss functionality, features, and hacks they've learned to use the system. Users love the large number of integrations and large contact database.

  • Pros: Specific tools to quantify ROI, Robust Lead Scoring, Great Salesforce Integration
  • Cons: Not Full-Service, Reported Outages, Time-Consuming, No Social Media Publishing, Difficult To Learn, Expensive
  • Price: $1,000-$3,000 per month
  • Best Fit: Enterprises

Marketo is one of the best HubSpot alternatives and works well for advanced teams experienced with marketing automation tools.

HubSpot Sticker Shock? We Can Help

Out of all of the marketing automation platforms we could choose from, we always stick with HubSpot. While the alternatives have a lot of benefits, none of them offer the complete package.

If the price tag is holding you back from considering HubSpot further, we can help. Take a look at our free guide which shows how to save up to 60% on HubSpot

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