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Let’s Build Your Growth Map.

Choose a slot that suits your schedule, and Kevin will follow up with a no-obligation conversation to deliver a growth plan that aligns with your goals.

  • Meet with Kevin Barber
  • zoomZoom

Meeting Agenda

  • checkmark-blackGo-To-Market Strategy
  • checkmark-blackHigh-Converting Website
  • checkmark-blackGrowth Marketing

Every company wants the same thing. A record year of net new revenue growth.

But every company is starting at a different place. In this call, we'll talk about where you're at and suggest the next steps for your go-to-market success. You'll learn about the tools and processes we use to solve common growth challenges.

We’ll show you exactly what we’d do if we were in your shoes.


About Kevin

Kevin is the Head of Growth at Lean Labs and an advisor to 25+ SaaS & tech companies. Kevin believes that focusing on great work rather than size, success stories rather than revenue, and buyer journey rather than templates helps companies deliver exceptional outcomes from marketing.

What to Expect From our Meeting.

Having spoken to several website developers and digital marketers, Lean Labs offered the most comprehensive, detail oriented consultation inside of 30 minutes. It was the most efficient, value-added call I've had all year. Every single suggestion will generate more revenue. And to top it off, they are a super cool Team.

Ann Chung

I just got off a call with Lean Labs. I think they just saved me a years worth of struggle and effort of figuring it out on my own. I can't believe the incredible value and laser focused results they offer so quickly and with every interaction. Hands down my #1 recommendation for a growth team. We all need Lean Labs in our corner! Thanks Lean Labs for getting me crystal clear on what steps to take TODAY to accelerate my growth!

Tracy Morgan
kevin-avatar (5)

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost?

We always create a custom plan based on your unique business objectives. Our strategy and marketing programs start at $3K per month.

Typical engagements start at $9k or $12k monthly.
We have a 10+ year track record of marketing that makes you money, not costs you money.

Will this even work for my company?

Will we be the right fit? That is an excellent question. We're not for you if you're not looking to become a high-growth company, or outsell and outgrow your competition. But... if you're a startup or scale-up, we're here to guide you on your growth journey.

What if I'm not ready?

Would you be where you are now if you're not ready? At some point, you took action — a leap of faith — and you built your business to where it is now. You're ready to take it to the next level and we can guide you.