6 Quick Ways to Spend Your Growth Driven Design Budget

Are you unhappy with the results of your latest website redesign?

Unfortunately, you're far from alone. HubSpot reports that 33% of marketers were dissatisfied with the results of their last website redesign. Some 37% of marketing teams did not rely on metrics or data to inform their design plans. Investing your design budget towards a new website concept that's based on your internal inbound marketing strategy, not your customer's preferences, could be a highly effective approach. 

It could also fail miserably. 

Any website design that's not data-driven is nothing more than a hypothesis.

Simple Ways to Spend Your Growth Driven Design Budget

Growth-driven design (GDD) is a powerful way for marketers to break free from the risk of dissatisfying web design results. You won't need to wait 4-6 months (or longer) for a design that's not based on your metrics. You're able to take a data-driven approach to prioritizing your design budget on a monthly basis, based on your customer's behavior in the past month. It's perhaps the single most effective way to ensure you're not just happy with your website, but that it's truly driven by your marketing metrics.

For more insights on how GDD can impact your lead generation and sales, check out 5 Reasons Growth Driven Design Is Critical to Inbound Marketing Results.

If you're considering making the shift from a traditional approach to website redesign to updating your site on a monthly basis, you may be considering ways you could allocate your funds in the months to come. In this blog, you'll learn some about some potential improvements to your website you could apply with GDD, and their potential impact on your company's inbound marketing.

1. New Landing Page Designs

Simple and significant changes in your landing page designs can have a drastic impact on your conversion's rates. By implementing and A/B testing landing page updates as part of your monthly GDD, you could significantly improve your organization's ability to generate marketing-qualified leads.

Unbounce's James Gardner reports the following case studies as examples of just how much data-driven updates in landing page design can affect conversions:

  • Adding a subheading increased conversions 336% for one brand
  • Removing a photo improved results 24% for another organization
  • Rearranging a landing page's layout yielded 64% more conversions for a third company

Sometimes, the factors that win in A/B tests are nothing short of surprising. Using GDD to update your conversion paths can boost your sales pipelines.

2. Optimize Your Homepage for Lead Generation

Elements your marketing team considers crucial to your homepage design may be superfluous or distracting to your visitors. You may believe that your website's value proposition makes perfect sense, but perhaps it's failing to convert.

The only way to know for sure is to test updates and improvements. Once you've obtained some results, you'll need to implement changes based on your data. With GDD, your marketing team will have the talent and budget required to realize significant increases in homepage-assisted lead conversions.

3. Test and Optimize Your Navigation

Ultimately, your prospects arrive on your website with a mission. They eventually want a solution to their pain points, but for now they need information. In fact, 76% of consumers say the most important aspect of a website's design is that it makes it "easy" for them to find information.

Spending a month testing, redesigning, and launching improvements to your site's navigation structure and information design could have a drastic impact on your marketing metrics. This GDD improvement could allow your brand to connect with the 44% of consumers who complain about "challenging" navigation structures.

4. Improve Your "MVP" Pages

While a company's needs can vary significantly according to industry, their website visitors typically all navigate to the same pages. Your prospective customers want to learn more about your brand, delve into your content resources, and discover how to contact you. Typically in that order.

Neil Patel writes that aside from your homepage, the three most important pages on your website are:

  • About Page
  • Blog
  • Contact Us

With GDD, you can focus improvements on the three pages that act as your company's digital most-valuable players. Invest in high-quality visual content, gorgeous CTAs, and most importantly - A/B testing to implement the changes that "win" in your marketing experiments.

5. Calls-to-Action

Without enticing calls-to-action (CTAs) buttons that elicit your website visitors to "click here" or "sign up" or "learn more," your website's lead generation potential is extraordinarily limited. Your website may have multiple conversion paths that lead to a single high-performing landing page. Using your GDD budget to ensure your CTAs are visible, optimally placed, and action-oriented is well worth your while.

CTAs have a dramatic impact on your website pages and content marketing's lead generation potential. Much like landing pages, the results of your A/B testing experiments can be nothing short of surprising.

6. Personalized Content Marketing

Custom content creation is the top priority for 67% of marketing teams, who are well aware that modern consumers pass through most of the buyer's journey before feeling ready to engage with a sales team. As inbound marketer Michael Reynolds highlights, you can't underestimate the role content plays in the overall user experience (UX) of your company's website.

By establishing dynamic or personalized content delivery via HubSpot or another sophisticated marketing platform, your brand gains the ability to deliver the right messaging to your prospects, at the right time. Dynamic content can significantly increase the relevance of your company's messaging to your prospects and leads.

Once you've gotten the fundamental aspects of your website nailed via GDD, you can direct time and energy towards establishing or improving your website's personalization aspects. Use your marketing metrics to refine your understanding of each of your buyer persona's journeys towards becoming a customer, and create behaviorally-triggered experiences.

Winning Budget Strategies

When it comes to GDD, your options are nearly limitless. Instead of having to wait several years to make significant changes to your site, it's up to you and your inbound marketing consultants to determine what's going to have the biggest impact each month. By understanding potential sources of friction in your visitor and prospect's website experiences, you can continually improve your site's potential for lead generation, nurturing, and representing your company online.

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